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hello, hi, how’ve you been

Hello my lovely readers! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here. First, I wanted to thank you for your constant support and readership. I truly appreciate every single one of you. Second, I wanted to address my, sort-of, break from blogging. 

I didn’t really make a decision to take time off from writing, it just sort of happened. I didn’t want to not post, I just found myself unable to. This year has been hard. And that is an understatement. It wasn’t something that affected me and only me; it was something that affected the entire world. It was something I never in a million years expected to come about. This pandemic was something that shocked and shook our society, our government, our healthcare system, our personal and financial lives. We were left trying to figure out – now what. 

I think we all didn’t expect it to become as big and impactful as it did. At first, it seemed like we all heard the news at the same time, and then all of a sudden, we were quarantined… and let me tell you! My first thought was this was going to be the most resourceful time. I thought I was going to be the most productive person during our time spent “isolated”. I had ideas! I had plans! I wanted to clean and organize my entire house! I had dreams. Literal dreams of organizing my pantry… ladies, I know you know what I mean. That beautifully labeled cereal masterpiece, you know what I’m talking about especially if you’ve watched The Home Edit… that’s what I was dreaming of during the night. However, that did not happen. I found myself in somewhat of a funk. An endless amount of time with no guaranteed end date.

I guess you’re wondering what I ended up doing instead? I hate to say, but Netflix became my best friend. We out-watched the app… sorry Netflix, but until you update your selection, I will be inactive until further notice! Yeah right haha. I’ve already discovered Emily in Paris 😉 Anyway, I found myself curling up with my family and watching the day away. I mean don’t get me wrong, I did still work during the day, thankfully from home. But…all that extra time off…pretty much not super productive. I’ll admit it was pretty nice to have a forced time out. The family needed the time to relax and breathe together. We got to enjoy movie nights, game nights, late-night swims, whenever we wanted. But after awhile you just begin to miss normalcy, a bit of the crazy running around, movie theaters, malls, CONCERTS, and just plain social interaction.

I don’t know how many of you felt like this over quarantine, or maybe some of you (who I envy), got their house organized or accomplished some even greater things. Either way, it is okay. It is okay to not be okay! A lot of us weren’t feeling like ourselves during this time. We felt lost. I am here to tell you it is okay to feel lost. No one had any answers during this time. So don’t feel bad for taking “me days”. Don’t feel discouraged when you couldn’t get to what you promised you would. Life isn’t about being perfect all the time, and this pandemic proves that nothing is perfect. The universe shut down for months, so you felt down and not yourself? Taking a day, a few days, a month off? To feel, to find yourself? To understand what was going on? THAT is okay. That is allowed.

So how do we de-funk the funk? Well, that’s a personal discovery. Everyone is different, what makes one person happy might not the other. Below are some ideas that helped me navigate through this hard time. Some made me smile, some made me laugh and some helped me find my feet again. 

  1. Take a Road Trip

Because why not? During a time where you can’t find yourself, go find yourself. What better way to rediscover you, than to change your scenery. Maybe your purpose will change, or maybe you’ll find the reason you do what you do again. Either way, a breath of fresh air, beautiful views and a day off are the perfect reasons to get out of your house… and your head. So go explore! Take that drive!

2. Read a Book

I love reading. I love to get lost in someone else’s words. Reading opens your mind and your soul. It offers an escape from the actual world and all the problems within it. Whether it is fiction or non-fiction, it gives you time away from your own thoughts. So open the door to the world beyond ours and fall down someone else’s rabbit hole for the afternoon or entire day. Comment some of your fave books when you have some time! I’m always looking for new ones to add to my collection. 🙂

3. Spend time with your kids

Has anyone else ever noticed how simple kids are? Whenever I am around my own, I smile at the smallest things. They really see the world as it is in front of them, they don’t focus on the great beyond. Appreciate the time you have with them, appreciate them. Don’t take your kids for granted, learn from them. Sometimes they know more than us, they’ll tell you how it is. When they tell you they love you, it’s because they truly love you. This reminds me of a post I wrote last year about treasuring the moments. You can read it here if you’re interested. ♥️

4. Me time

Whether that is taking a bath, taking a walk every morning, doing yoga, working out… make sure you take time for yourself. Your own time is just as important as eating a meal. You need time to heal; you need time to breathe. A great way to focus on yourself is to focus on your mental and physical health. I find a long walk really helps to clear my mind. So, create the perfect Spotify playlist, I can suggest several songs for you to add, cough, cough,  Fallin’, by Why Don’t We, is a must 😊 Create a playlist and go for a nice long walk, it’ll do wonders!

5. Find a new hobby (or rediscover an old one)

Do people even have hobbies anymore? I mean my husband and kids have hobbies and things they’re good at. My husband has discovered a love for the guitar, he’s actually become quite good at it. My kids are musically talented, and actually quite good at it. They’re all amazing artists too. They can all draw and sketch the most amazing things. BUT me? nope. I have a running joke that I’m not really good at anything. Hahaha! I really wanted to find something that I enjoyed doing (whether I was good at it or not) that would help keep me calm and relaxed. I discovered Hand lettering a few months ago. Have you heard of it? It’s basically an art of drawing letters by hand, not by a digital program, and turning it into art/decor! You know those pretty home decor frames that say things like HOME, or LOVE in a really pretty writing by hand? That’s hand lettering. And I’m obsessed. Anyway…who knew I’d be kind of good at it. I’ve been working on some of my very own home projects and it’s super therapeutic! Plus I get to make my own home decor pieces! Win-win!

You can scroll though the images below to see some of my creations – don’t expect much, it’s just handwriting! BUT…it is therapeutic for me…and that’s what’s important 😋 Leave me a comment if you’d like me to share some of my wood pieces when I’ve finished them ♥️

6. Reconnect with Friends

Sometimes we just need human interaction, aside from those that you may live with. Contacting a friend is a great way to feel refreshed, especially if the person you turn to uplifts you. Hopefully restrictions have eased some in your area and you’re able to get out and socialize again, safely. If not, plan a virtual get together with your closest friend or friends, even include some games. Sometimes you just need someone to remind you that you aren’t alone. Wine (or sparkling juice) is recommended! 

Don’t forget that happiness is different for each person. Be you, do you, for you. Being true to yourself is the most important part of living. So whether it’s a good book, a great playlist, or a new hobby, find something that helps you feel like you again.

Thanks for making it this far! If you read all the way to here…you’re the best! I have a fun blog post coming up in a few days that I’m excited to share! Working to get ahead…and it feels good! Have some ideas for blog posts?..let me hear them! Please add your email to subscribe to get notifications of my newest blog posts! Love connecting with y’all! ♥️




  1. Paula
    November 3, 2020 / 7:10 pm

    Hi Myta, Finally starting to read your blog..♥️
    Quarantine has definitely changed our world and especially our children’s world. Agreed, nice to have some forced family time but it was and still is very challenging. My husband and I are still working from home about 8-9 hours a day, kids were on full virtual zoom in the Spring and now hybrid but of course different schedules between middle and high school which makes for a little crazy but I’m glad they have a little normalcy with school and sports.

    We did go away for two weeks in summer to the beach (socially distancing) which helped clear our heads and have a different scenery 🏖.

    I’m still finding it very hard to get into a routine and finding time for myself. Will continue to strive for it and maybe find a hobby!

    Absolutely love your handwritten frame work especially the two that stand out for me and my kids..
    be you, do you, for you and you are my sunshine ♥️
    Can’t wait to see the woodwork!

    ps—> we miss going to concerts too!!
    Fallin’ is absolutely amazing Congratulations to the boys but so is Can’t!

  2. Sofia
    October 21, 2020 / 8:16 pm

    I rarely read blogs but yours is the one I love reading. Fun fact about how I heard about Zach, a teacher in my elementary school showed us that video of Zach going viral singing stitches and said he will do big things. I kinda knew who he was and also my friend from the timelapse era still loves him till this day😂

  3. Sofia
    October 21, 2020 / 8:13 pm

    Hi Myta long time no see. I missed your blog posts. I was about to ask you but I didn’t get to it because I was so happy to be talking to the mom of my idol, the person who helped me overcome my fear of singing in front of people. I loved talking to you on the rock your hair zoom. It made my quarantine better.

  4. Tabitha clark
    October 15, 2020 / 9:46 am

    Hi myta
    Loved your blog and what u wrote was incredible cant want to read your next one think u are fantastic to x

  5. Nanc’
    October 15, 2020 / 8:59 am

    Hi Myta,
    Nice to hear from you!
    I’ve been thinking about you all!
    I ordered Zach’s Cd x 5 for all 5 grands and they’ve been arriving 1 at a time!🤣 love love love the song & video!
    It’s definitely the video that I watch over & over!
    I know what you mean, about reconnecting with old things & new things. I didn’t miss any work at all but missed our family. We have visited with them a few times for special occasions. Thankfully, we’ve managed to remain Covid Free!
    As far as myself, I’ve gotten out my paints and am committed to finishing some that I started, and then paint until I run out of the stack of canvas that I have had forever! It’s the place that I feel the most like myself, and feel the most complete.
    As for the Hubby & me, we enjoy long drives up to the lake and getting out with the dogs. But mostly, we try to live as normal as this new normal allows.
    Take care Myta!
    Hugs to Josh & kiddos! 🥰

  6. Thissy
    October 14, 2020 / 11:03 pm

    Glad to see you here again! It has been hard for all of us! Thank you for your lovely update, glad you are happy 🙂

  7. October 14, 2020 / 9:00 pm

    Good, how are you and my 16th birthday is tomorrow

  8. Kaitlyn Broussard
    October 14, 2020 / 8:45 pm

    My Favorite blogger is back! I’ve missed your blogs so much! You have such a way with words. I absolutely loved your suggestions, especially the playlist one because I always used to go on walks when I wasn’t feeling myself l, and it always helped.
    Honestly, I love when you share your recipes and little family updates, but I also wouldn’t mind hearing about you! You do some incredible things! Share them ♥️

  9. Tammy Ebert
    October 14, 2020 / 7:38 pm

    Glad to see you back Myta. It’s been a rough time for all of us, especially us in healthcare. I personally have struggled a lot with my anxiety and depression. I have found that just driving through he countryside has been quite therapeutic for me. I just drive and turn up my music playlists and try to disconnect from what’s going on for a little while.

    Bless you and your family!
    Love you my friend!

  10. Kaitlyn Webb
    October 14, 2020 / 5:04 pm

    Happy to see your back I love your blog 😃💕 I would love to see anything from recipes, home makeovers like that shelve area is beautiful anything you do on your blog is great I really enjoy it thank you for sharing your family and stories with us on your blog every time I read a post I feel like I’m talking to you myself 💕 you’ll succeed at anything you put your mind to ☺️

    • Lia Hudson
      October 20, 2020 / 10:55 am

      hey Myta! it’s so good to see you back at blogging! although i forgot to check my mail and saw this late hahaha

      i’m so glad you took the time you needed and found some new hobbies during quarantine, your handwriting looks amazing! i especially love the sunshine one, i’d love to see more of these if possible! and i wanted to say i’ve also had time with myself being quarantined and it feels so great! i’ve been into music even more during those times, it feels so free to play your own melodies and listen to them ahh.

      also don’t feel like you’re untalented please! you have an incredibly nice handwriting, a calming voice that i feel so happy everytime i listen to your podcast and i have a feeling like you cook amazing food! at least as much as i see from your stories hahah, yummy 😋 who knows what else you’re great at? life is all about exploring so keep trying new things! i’m glad you’ve found something to make you happy and calm during these hard times though.

      book recommendations: A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, Essays by Montaigne, Confusion by Stefan Zweig (the one i’m currently reading). i’m such a book lover too so i can recommend more whenever you want! these were only some books i read & loved recently.

      i’m sorry this took too long to read if you did, thank you for your time! but i missed reading your blogs so i wanted to share my opinions. again, glad to see you back and i can’t wait to read the next one! promise i won’t miss that one hahaha. take care of yourself, i love you! ❤

  11. Sara Joines
    October 14, 2020 / 4:00 pm

    I can’t even colour in the lines never mind do beautiful handwriting . My handwriting is so bad that one time my son was off school sick so I sent a note in to inform the school why he was absent and they thought he had written it himself, he was about 13 years old at the time!!!! Lol

    • Mama Herron
      October 14, 2020 / 4:03 pm

      Oh my gosh that is hilarious. hahaha! Thanks Sara! Aww…I was bad too but honestly it’s so easy to practice because its mindless and relaxing. Kind of like doodling. 🙂

  12. Katelyn Messier
    October 14, 2020 / 3:38 pm

    Hey Myta!! So glad you’re back and are doing well. This blog has always been my safe place, happy it’s back! ♥️

    • Mama Herron
      October 14, 2020 / 3:54 pm

      Ahhh you are so sweet to say that! I hope to be able to do more with it. I’d love to see it grow into much more. 🙂 Thanks for reading! ♥️

  13. Amanda Payne
    October 14, 2020 / 2:07 pm

    Hi Myta!
    Hope you’re doing well. Your hand lettering is so beautiful. I love how you wrote “you are my sunshine”. I have a great book series recommendation. It is the After series. If you have seen the movie and liked it, you will love the books even more. It’s sort of your typical good girl and bad boy teen romance but I absolutely love it. Hope you have a great day and that you and your family are staying safe. Looking forward to your next post. 🙂

    • Mama Herron
      October 14, 2020 / 2:26 pm

      Thanks Amanda! You are so sweet. I have not heard of the After series, or even the movie! I will definitely check it out 🙂 ♥️

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