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Happy Valentines Day from The Herrons

Pics from 23 years ago… we were babies

Happy Valentines Day you guys!

Is it funny that when I think of Valentines Day, I think of it as a family holiday? Kind of sad, maybe haha! When Josh and I were dating and newly married, we of course had our share of sweet, romantic dinner dates. You know, way back when we actually had time to do sweet things for ourselves. πŸ™‚ Since our children were born, however, Valentines Day has turned into a family holiday. We’ve always loved it though. It was just how we liked it!

Just like every family has their own traditions, we created our own that are now forever etched into our memory – into our souls. πŸ™‚ When our kids were little, as far back as I can remember, we would make Valentines Day as special as we could. Josh and I would plan out a favorite meal that all kids loved. While Josh and I cooked and prepared the surprises, they were playing in one of the bedrooms. We decorated our formal dining room table with placemats, candles, the good plates, and wine glasses. I created a CD (before streaming services) of 8-10 songs that would become our Valentines Day soundtrack for years to come. Songs like “It’s a Wonderful World” and “I Swear“. Sweet songs. I would place a gift at their seat of the table for each of them, something to surprise them with when they got to the table. Usually it was a stuffed animal and heart shaped box of chocolates, or a small toy. For my kids it was most likely Legos, hot wheels, Playmobil, or a Disney something. πŸ™‚ Once we had the food and apple cider (in wine glasses) on the table, our soundtrack playing, and the candles lit, we invited the kids to the table. It was always so sweet to see their excitement and most importantly, their appreciation for what we had done. It’s how we spent every Valentines Day. Usually ended it with a movie night on the couch with ice cream or cookie cake. It was special for sure – it’s always special when you can create your own family’s memories, no matter what they are. Even as everyone starts to create their own new memories – they will always remember those moments. πŸ™‚ BUT one day… Josh and I are going to celebrate by taking a proper vacation πŸ˜‚ Maybe in line 5-7 years hahaha.

SIDE NOTE: As a teacher for many years, I always created little Valentines for my students. Here are a few I created and are available for you to download for FREE below – just click the download button. Print it out and spread some love. πŸ™‚

Also, leave a comment on how you/your family spend the day! Happy Valentines Day y’all!




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